He holds my dreams in the palm of His hand…

~ This morning, as I continue to write papers and work on projects, it does seem like the work is unending…and hard.  Sometimes, after hours of working and turning things in, my amount of work does not equal the grade I get…but somehow I know that if teaching is certainly my calling, then God will get me to where I need to be.

After this semester, there will be no more classes, no more babysitters for those classes, no more traveling back and forth from class, and no more late nights or all nighters.  More time with kids and a wonderful feeling of satisfaction that it is all complete (except for student teaching!).  I keep thinking about the goal, asking God for supernatural strength and motivation to keep trying.  I want to be a teacher with all my heart.  I actually like writing papers too!  But, the lack of sleep and hours of concentration, trying to figure out exactly what each instructor is looking for….it is exhausting and taking a toll.

This morning, as I fix parts of papers, do extra credit opportunities, and read more articles, I pray I might remember the most important parts of my classes so that I can do my students justice someday.  Most of all, I hope to love and believe in them as God does us.

I think about my dream to be a teacher, as well as a dream to donate money to start up a God-centered orphanage in Africa someday, a dream to adopt, a dream to run the Boston Marathon, a dream to go on mission trips, to be a speaker and author, to raise my kids to be strong disciples. I reflect, there is simply no way I can make any of these dreams come true.  I simply do not have the means or resources.  But, I know my Father in heaven does.  And I know He knows my dreams, detail-by-detail, front to back, in and out.  He knows them better than I do!  I just don’t want to live this life in an ordinary way.  I want God to make it extraordinary.  I want to make sure I do the things that Jesus has put on my heart.  To fulfill my destiny…

But, all I can do in certain seasons is to put one foot in front of the other.  To keep soldiering on.  To keep believing.  To keep crying out to God.  To know without a doubt that He can make my dreams come true.

If you knew the details of my life right now, you would say no way to any of those dreams.  I’ve never been more tempted to agree with you than now.  But, I refuse.  I won’t budge!  God doesn’t put dreams on our hearts to just sit there.  And He has the power, the skill, the resources, and the Will to make them happen.  All I have to do is say “yes.”  And wait on the Lord with all Hope and Expectancy.  And that I can do, because it is simply a choice I can make and words I can speak in faith.  The actions then follow.

If you also have dreams that keep you going, but wonder how and if they could ever come true, lean into God through prayer.  Pray with me today, 13 February, 2019.  Pray with me each day!  Pray that God will continue to encourage you, because faith is believing in what God speaks to you, but what you cannot see yet.  Have faith my sweet friends!  We can dream and believe together that God certainly is powerful enough to make them come true.

God be with you, Immanuel.  Shalom to your heart and mind.  He truly is everything we believe Him to be.  He is King Jesus.  And He is no myth.  One day, we will see everything we can believed to be true, and in that day we will NOT be disappointed!  Keep the faith alive my Christian brothers and sisters.

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