He holds my dreams in the palm of His hand…

~ This morning, as I continue to write papers and work on projects, it does seem like the work is unending…and hard.  Sometimes, after hours of working and turning things in, my amount of work does not equal the grade I get…but somehow I know that if teaching is certainly my calling, then God will […]

I have a dream…

As I talked this weekend with my kids about Dr, Martin Luther King’s dream, as we watched together his famous speech in front of Abraham Lincoln’s statue…we talked about dreams; having Godly dreams, as well as goals, and praying and working in partnership with the Lord to make them come true. I asked the kids […]

I have a dream.

I embarked upon taking the first step towards making a dream come true last night…attending my first class for this winter/spring semester towards getting my MAT in Early Childhood.  I’d like to take the GACE to be a secondary English teacher as well, but all of this waits as a challenge and quest for the […]

~The Journey ~

Sometimes, it feels that dreams are so far in the distance…the steps that are taken seem to be in the wrong direction toward that journey.  But, God works in different ways than our minds can fathom.  He knows our hearts and leads us on this path, this journey…but the steps aren’t always in a linear […]